
Enlightened leader= An enlightened leader is a distinctive breed of leader who is dedicated to building teams and organizations that uplift the soul and, in turn, fuel heightened growth and prosperity.

Enlightened leaders are authentic, humble, visionary, dedicated to people and organizational well-being, heart-centered, with exemplary character, principles and values, compassionate, empathetic, emotionally and spiritually intelligent, grounded in a higher purpose/calling, dedicated to touching the minds, hearts and spirits of all.

Enlightened leadership is the new way of leading.

One-on-One Executive Coaching

The Hauer Group’s proven RESET™ process is for high-performing C-Suite, senior leaders and their teams who are obsessed with growth and excellence through enlightened leadership.

Executive and Leadership Development Expertise

  • Cement exceptional executive character and well-being practices
  • Activate superpowers, leadership DNA and signature values
  • Heighten emotional intelligence, resonance-generating behaviors
  • Reboot a purpose-driven full engagement career and life
  • Leverage all leadership points of power and influence
  • Elevate executive presence
  • Optimize leadership style portfolio
  • Integrate self-management and self-mastery rituals, i.e. mindfulness
  • Expand influence and impact across organization
  • Strengthen trust, deep listening, empathy, compassion muscles
  • Develop stewardship of the corporate soul

The Hauer Group RESET Process

Step 1 Radical Self-Inquiry
Step 2 Extensive Feedback
Step 3 Strength Optimization
Step 4 Excel in Complementary Behaviors
Step 5 Transformation

Feeling better, blood pressure is lower, I’m hitting the gym again

I am now a coach vs. a commander

I walk into the fire vs. dance around the perimeter

I have a totally new mindset

I’ve freed up 40% more time on my calendar

I’m a leader of leaders now vs. driving everything

Success Story

CLIENT: CFO in Fortune 500 consumer foods organization

OPPORTUNITY: A classic high driver, pacesetting leader lauded for his exceptional business results while his demeaning, degrading, corrosive people skills were condoned.

RESULT: Through an intense cycle of formal and informal 360 feedback and coaching, the CFO made monumental shifts in his behavior, particularly in repairing his relationships with directs and peers. In addition, he transformed physically and emotionally—from leading with fear and anxiety to centering with a calm, mindful approach.

Executive and Leadership Team Coaching

Is your team operating at 100% of its potential?

What if you could activate the full force of your team’s collective energy, strengths and possibility?

Can you imagine the enormous impacts on your organization’s growth, engagement, and the bottom line?

The Hauer Group has decades of success partnering with executive and leadership teams to achieve extraordinary new levels of performance. We excavate barriers and gaps that impede potential. We tap and open channels for new exciting levels of productivity and power to flow.

Our clients partner with The Hauer Group to:

Elevate individual and team leadership

Magnify team trust, connection and collaboration

Accelerate success with major transformation efforts

Enable significant culture shifts

Success Story

CLIENT: SVP Customer Services, Global Technology Company and 9 VP direct reports

OPPORTUNITY: Resuscitate an organization paralyzed by deep reorganizations and revenue decline. Associate morale and commitment were at record low levels. Organization culture was characterized as “subordinate, apathetic” with a strong resistance to change and a lack of personal accountability and ownership. The specific objective of the Executive Coaching Program was to accelerate the development of next generation leaders by helping the Leadership Team—operating primarily as Competent Managers—shift to running their business as Effective Leaders, in essence, CEOs.

RESULTS: An astounding 6000% return on investment was realized, as participants directly attributed coaching to new revenue growth, personal and team productivity increases and cost savings. Individual participant ROI estimates ranged from $370K to $10M. 100% of the respondents reported an increase in leadership productivity, increased self-confidence and an improvement in personal career satisfaction as a result of coaching.

Everyone on my team felt that the coaching sessions improved morale and prepared them to go out and take on the world—commonly know in my area as “the Shary syndrome”. I loved having my meeting with you early in the morning just before my region meeting as I was all pumped up and full of enthusiasm and that was not lost on my direct reports. They honored me by putting my name forward for the President’s award. Shary, if I win the award I should share it with you because you were instrumental in my transition to a better leader.

SVP Customer Services

Beyond just a “coach”, Shary has also become an integral part of our team, getting to know each of us individually and as a group, and providing guidance to help us shape us into a high performing team

VP Marketing

Leadership Events and Courses

I love facilitating a team’s genius and greatness!

Frequently I am asked to design, develop and facilitate customized leadership workshops, webinars, executive forums and roundtables for client organizations.

Popular recent programs include:

  • 5 Simple Steps to Leverage Your Signature Strengths
  • Making the Leap from Good to Great Leadership
  • High Impact Coaching for High-Performing Leaders
  • How to Transform Alpha Strengths to Achieve Profound Results
  • The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
  • Leading at a Higher Level: Realizing the Power of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
  • Becoming a Masterful Coach
  • Situational Leadership: Pulling The Right Club Out of the Bag at the Right Time

More information on on-line course offerings to come soon.
